The Eva Experience Virtual Reality Tour provides a 360-degree experience at four Auschwitz locations that were central to Eva's story: the selection platform, the barracks, the "Blood Lab" where the Mengele Twins were experimented on and the spot outside a crematoria where she announced her forgiveness 50 years after liberation. At each, Eva describes the significance, and accompanying videos add historical context and personal perspective. Featuring documentary footage from "Eva A-7063," which won seven regional Emmy Awards and the national Gabriel Award for Human Dignity. "Anyone who has gone through Birkenau with Eva Kor had an experience they can never forget," said world-renowned Holocaust scholar Michael Berenbaum. "Alas, Eva is no longer. Yet thanks for the blessing of virtual reality, that experience is available to us. We can hear her voice and be with her virtually in the places that were so formative. It is an unforgettable experience now available for eternity."
"THE STORY OF EVA” captures the remarkable legacy of Eva Mozes Kor. It will carry her critically important message to future generations and show, most of all, the power for good that just one dedicated person can have. The Educator’s Guide provides lesson plans surrounding 12 themes from the film. The themes and activities correspond with the Indiana Social-Emotional Learning Competencies, Emotional Health Education Standards from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Indiana’s Employability Skills Benchmarks. We hope it will inspire you and your students!
The Educational Toolkit includes:
1. One-Hour Screening Edition: “THE STORY OF EVA” (Available on DVD and USB)
2. Electronic Educator’s Guide: “THE STORY OF EVA” (Grade Level: 4-12)
3. Electronic Discussion Guide: “Eva: A-7063” (Community Discussion Guide)
4. Educator’s Guide: Surviving the Angel of Death(Grade Level: 5-12)
5. Paperback book: Surviving the Angel of Death by Eva Mozes Kor and Lisa Rojany Buccieri
6.Public Screening License for Education Facilities (excluding college and university public screenings)