Take a trip around the world or US and discover its secrets! Use your Waypoint Geographic/Round World Products Blue Ocean World Chart to tour the countries of the world. Simply tap countries to start learning about its government, economy, culture, and more!
Explore World Features:
– Audio of proper pronunciation for each country and capital.
– Inspect and play with a 3D model of the country with major cities and rivers marked.
– Country emblem, animated 3D flag, and national anthem.
– Government data, including: political heads, government type, legislature, and more.
– Economic data, including: GDP, sample currency, import/exports, and more.
– Cultural data, including: sample cuisine and population by ethnicity, languages spoken, and religion.
– Explore in 4D Augmented Reality with the chart.
Explore USA Features:
– Audio for proper pronunciation of each state and capital.
– Spin and inspect a 3D model of each states with major cities and rivers marked.
– See pictures or 3D models of each state flag, bird, and flower.
– Read fun facts and stats for each state!
– Explore in 4D Augmented Reality with the chart.
Must purchase map and then download the app. Only available for Android, iPhone & iPad devices.