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I. Yosun Chang - An AReality3D Permute.xyz project
Date Released/Updated
Subject (s)
AR Items,
Creation Software,
New iPod Touch,
Grade Level(s)
Curriculum Available

Instantly turn whatever you writing into an augmented reality scene using Magic Paper (http://print.drawmaticar.com).

Then write a story in the indicated space on the Magic Paper. Try using words the app recognizes from the Lexicon at http://drawmaticar.com/lexicon

Point the app at Magic Paper and press the big button on the paper and see and hear what the AI reads from what you wrote!

DrawmaqticAR Example

Use adjectives to describe your person noun: try writing "dancing wizard" (without the quotes). Here are the other adjectives the app recognizes: climbing, jumping, looking, yelling, talking, sleeping.

Also, use the "enjoys" sentence structure to direct the actors to navigate across your paper! For example, write: "The ninja enjoys running around the paper."

Check out these and other resources at the Curriculum link below.

You'll find the Magic Paper, interactive sheets, handwriting practice sheets, lessons, and lexicon builders. 

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