Shakespeare’s most iconic play meets the cutting edge of immersive storytelling. Hamlet 360: Thy Father’s Spirit is a cinematic 360 experience that explores new dimensions of the medium by casting the viewer as the Ghost of Hamlet’s dead father, giving the viewer a sense of agency and urgency as an omniscient observer, guide and participant. The experience is set in a dilapidated, once-glorious hall – the room where the fateful duel took place leaving such waste and carnage. Paint peels off the walls, water drips from the ceiling, ruined furniture gathers dust. Shards of Hamlet’s memories – the faded detritus of his life – are spread throughout the room. On one end, a stage; in one area, a large clawfoot tub; and in another, a mound of earth with a few tombstones and a fresh rough-hewn grave. The design embraces the interiority of the play and immerses the characters (and the viewer) in Hamlet’s chaotic, turbulent mindscape. This dream world is both hyper-real and tangible as well as surreal and expressionistic. It’s a rich and detailed environment that invites continual exploration and discovery. The 360 video is best viewed using a VR headset, such as the Google Pixel phone with Google Cardboard or Daydream View.